Monday, 25 May 2015


I have...

::: FEMALE (Girls)

An older sister - Taku tuakana
An older brother - Taku tungane
Older sisters - Aku tuakana
Older brothers - Aku tungane
A younger sister - Taku teina
A younger brother - Taku tungane
Younger sisters - Aku teina
Younger brothers - Aku tungane
I'm the oldest - Ko ahau te matamua
I'm the youngest - Ko ahau te potiki

::: MALE (Boys)

I have a ...

An older sister - Taku tuahine
An older brother - Taku tuakana
Older sisters - Aku tuahine
Older brothers - Aku tuakana
A younger sister - Taku tuahine
A younger brother - Taku teina
Younger sisters - Aku tuahine
Younger brothers - Aku teina
I'm the oldest - Ko ahau te tuakana
I'm the youngest - Ko ahau te teina

Friday, 22 May 2015



fast forest enjoyed slippery
sprinted amazing Cross Country
athletic puffed was tired
race supported cheering
Tui- yellow, Kereru- red, Kakapo- green, Takahe- blue
jumped nervous excited
collapsed running yesterday
finish line muddy
butterflies in my stomach

thirsty exhausted

Friday, 15 May 2015

Tui is the best house

Who do we appreciate?
Not the queen,
Not the king,
But the Tui, yellow team 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

DIGITAL TASK- re-colour a photo CAN DO


This is another CAN DO task, for when you've finished the MUST DOS in a day. So many of you are brilliant and completing tasks that I thought I'd give you an easy fun task to re-colour a photo.

You might like to try this on photos you use on your google slides.

Go to google classroom.


Mr Pouniu

Did you know that RE-COLOURING photos in popart made ANDY WARHOL RICH?!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Hi kids,

go to your CHROME APP STORE on your google chrome.

Find 'TYPINGCLUB' extension and ADD IT.

Then you'll see this, it's a great game you might like to play, it'll help you to learn to type fast.

Mr Pouniu

NB- This is a CAN DO, so you should probably only do it when you've done your must dos for the day.

Friday, 8 May 2015


Hi kids,

follow this link to read about the job application.

We have included some ideas to help you write a better PERSUASIVE PARAGRAPH.

Mr Pouniu


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Simple Machines Inquiry Term 2

We all had another go at creating our catapults. First we talked as a class about what worked well and what didn't work so well. We talked about what changes we could or should make to make our catapult better.

We talked about:

- More force
- Longer lever
- Lifting it higher
- Lifting the Fulcrum
- Using a lighter thing to throw
- making sure it doesn't move ( use rubber bands or blue-tack)

Here is a video of our competition!!

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Simple Machines Inquiry - Term 2

We started our Science Inquiry last week, which meant we got to have plenty of fun learning about levers and fulcrums.  It was fantastic exploring catapults and trying to see if we could make out catapult fling a plastic bean further than everyone elses.  I wonder what we'll get to do this week?

Friday, 1 May 2015

Jump Jam Term 2

Check out our Jump Jam photos.  We love improving our fitness by dancing to our favourite songs.